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In dance and in life, hard work is necessary to acheive great things, but all the expertise in the world can fall flat if the mind is full of fear, self-doubt and sabotage. We all deal with it on some level. The good news is that we can also learn to overcome that by upgrading our mindset to better support all of the beautiful opportunities that lie ahead. 


Reaching our ultimate potential is only possible with a growth mindset that's wired for success, and unfortunately that's not the norm. Most people aren't aware of the condition of their mindset much less recognize the ways it's blocking their success. That's because we're only conscious of about 5% of our cognitive activity. A whopping 95% of our decisions, actions, emotions and behavior is influenced by our subconscious which is the part of our mind that we're not fully aware of.


Understanding this is THE key to removing blocks and unlocking greater potential! I'm here to tell you that

you're meant for great things. Don't let your mind convince you otherwise!


This 60 minute Zoom coaching session will empower aspiring college & pro performers

to master mindset strategies that will elevate clarity, focus, confidence & resilience to enhance performance & ensure the most successful audition possible!


Attendees with questions will be invited to stay on after the masterclass for a bonus Q&A session.


Anyone interested, but unavailable to join us live, is encouraged to register anyway as class replay will be sent out to all registrants following the live class.



"The inner game is the game that takes place in the mind of the player, and it is played against such obstacles as lapses in concentration, nervousness, self-doubt and's difficult to have fun or to achieve concentration when your ego is engaged in what it thinks is a life-and-death struggle." 

- W. Timothy Gallwey

​Attendees can expect to learn:

  • How to get the nerves to work for you rather than against you

  • Tools to enhance focus & clarity for better choreography retention 

  • Reframing strategies that will allow your best performance to shine through

  • How to make the audition experience a great matter the outcome

Who's it for?

If you're a performer currently preparing for an upcoming college or pro team audition and want to make sure you're mental game is as strong as your tripple pirouette, Audition Mindset Mastery is for you!


It's also for you if:


  • You're already on a team & want to elevate your mindset to prepare you for the next level in your entertainment career

  • You plan to audition one day and want to get a head start on cultivating a champion mindset

  • You've recently auditioned (but didn't get the outcome you hoped for) and want help bouncing back so you can use this setback to your advantage


Tools, strategies & perspectives learned will support success not just in dance/cheer, but in all areas of life!

Register to join Audition Mindset Mastery Today!

 The live masterclass has ended, but the workshop video is available for you to take advantage of for a limited time. Register below for just $17, and it will be delivered to your inbox immediately.



Have questions or need help registering?

Email me at

ashley deaton
Life & Wellness Coach

send me the video!

Once you register below, you'll receive an email with access to the workshop video.

Check your SPAM/PROMOTIONS Folders if you don't see it in your inbox.

Thanks for registering!

Register Now
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